Zacaj's Forums

General Discussion => MINECRAFT => Topic started by: Spy on February 13, 2011, 07:38:01 PM

Title: Flying
Post by: Spy on February 13, 2011, 07:38:01 PM
For those of you who don't read the readme (retards), here's how you do.

1. Unzip that shit breh
2. Open up the minecraft bin
3. Open up minecraft.jar with winrar or some shit
4. Click and drag all the shit from classes into minecraft.jar and delete META-INF
5. Make a new folder in .minecraft called mods
6. Make a new folder in mods called zombe
7. Drag all the shit from config to zombe
8. Edit config.txt and delete the # from "modFlyEnabled = yes"
9. ?????
10. Profit!