Zacaj's Forums

General Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Haloruler64 on December 19, 2010, 10:11:45 PM

Title: Minecraft Server
Post by: Haloruler64 on December 19, 2010, 10:11:45 PM
Let's start a Zacaj Minecraft server! Amy and I acquired the legal version of the game, and I know Dalen has too, so let's make a server!!! It really isn't hard either. Spy, get on it!

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: rokrboy on December 19, 2010, 10:58:29 PM
I need to get this game as well.
A zacaj server sounds like a good idea.
How does server hosting work for this game?

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: Haloruler64 on December 20, 2010, 12:11:29 AM
Free Java app called Minecraft_Server.exe which you set up with some config files. All you need is to open a port. I'm trying it now

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: stjimmyskater on December 20, 2010, 10:06:06 AM
I've got a server set up right now, but it's only local. I don't really know how to do it publicly.

EDIT: Genlemen, may I present to you, the Zac & J's Lounge!

Type that into Minecraft, and you're set. Currently I'm hosting on Albert's machine, but I'll probably switch to mine when I get back home in a few days. Enjoy!

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: Haloruler64 on December 20, 2010, 03:19:49 PM
Keeps disconnecting me with a Java excepton

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: stjimmyskater on December 20, 2010, 03:29:31 PM
Keeps disconnecting me with a Java excepton

Yeah, people are having that problem with the new update. I can't really find what the issue is. For me it's saying an overflow.

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: Haloruler64 on December 20, 2010, 03:31:35 PM
Keeps disconnecting me with a Java excepton

Yeah, people are having that problem with the new update. I can't really find what the issue is. For me it's saying an overflow.

Probably redone code, the Multiplayer is in beta so he has to redo the server software maybe?

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: nedthehead on December 20, 2010, 03:40:19 PM
Keeps disconnecting me with a Java excepton
Same thing happened when I tried today

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: stjimmyskater on December 20, 2010, 04:22:06 PM
Someone try this and report back.

1) Start up Minecraft. DO NOT JOIN ANY SERVERS.
2) Turn graphics to Fancy and Render Distance to Short ***NOT TINY
3)Open Windows Task Manager and find javaw.exe under the Process tab
4)Right click on javaw.exe and set priority to High
5)Join the SMP server of your choice
7)Wait a good amount of time (1-3 minutes?)
8)Try moving around and wandering around aimlessly. If you do not crash turn your graphics settings up back to normal. I'd recommend staying on Normal render distance. Far has not been tested.


If that doesn't work, download the file below and follow the instructions. I'll leave the server up. Let me know if anyone can connect. (

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: Spy on December 20, 2010, 10:39:31 PM
Yo yo yo young children.

I have recently acquired SSH access to this server, so if ya'll would like I could throw a minecraft server on here. Otherwise it sounds like you guys have a server covered, but this would be a more permanent option.

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: Haloruler64 on December 20, 2010, 10:41:15 PM
Yo yo yo young children.

I have recently acquired SSH access to this server, so if ya'll would like I could throw a minecraft server on here. Otherwise it sounds like you guys have a server covered, but this would be a more permanent option.

I can't connect to Dalens at ALL anymore... So go ahead and try. Something rock solid and easy. No monsters please, and make it work with Beta please

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: Spy on December 20, 2010, 10:43:42 PM
Yo yo yo young children.

I have recently acquired SSH access to this server, so if ya'll would like I could throw a minecraft server on here. Otherwise it sounds like you guys have a server covered, but this would be a more permanent option.

I can't connect to Dalens at ALL anymore... So go ahead and try. Something rock solid and easy. No monsters please, and make it work with Beta please

The Linux version of the server is a bitch, but I'm working on it. I'll let ya'll know when it's up.

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: stjimmyskater on December 20, 2010, 10:52:21 PM
You can't connect to my server right now because Albert turned it off. It's back up now. I'm not home to set this thing up for real, I'm just getting my feet wet. Try to connect with the MU method now, Dima.

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: stjimmyskater on December 20, 2010, 11:20:50 PM
Double post.

It's letting me connect when I do the MU trick from my laptop. I'm still within the same network, though, so I don't know for sure that that works.

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: Haloruler64 on December 20, 2010, 11:30:00 PM
You can't connect to my server right now because Albert turned it off. It's back up now. I'm not home to set this thing up for real, I'm just getting my feet wet. Try to connect with the MU method now, Dima.

I'll try the MU thing but I am wary of random things off MU

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: Haloruler64 on December 20, 2010, 11:37:34 PM
You can't connect to my server right now because Albert turned it off. It's back up now. I'm not home to set this thing up for real, I'm just getting my feet wet. Try to connect with the MU method now, Dima.

I'll try the MU thing but I am wary of random things off MU

x2 times out still

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: stjimmyskater on December 20, 2010, 11:42:57 PM
You can't connect to my server right now because Albert turned it off. It's back up now. I'm not home to set this thing up for real, I'm just getting my feet wet. Try to connect with the MU method now, Dima.

I'll try the MU thing but I am wary of random things off MU

x2 times out still works for me??? Even on a different network it still worked. I'll try uploading my files somewhere and see if you guys can use that.

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: Haloruler64 on December 20, 2010, 11:47:31 PM
You can't connect to my server right now because Albert turned it off. It's back up now. I'm not home to set this thing up for real, I'm just getting my feet wet. Try to connect with the MU method now, Dima.

I'll try the MU thing but I am wary of random things off MU

x2 times out still works for me??? Even on a different network it still worked. I'll try uploading my files somewhere and see if you guys can use that.

Really odd. I guess I'll wait for Spy or open a port on my router and try with my own.

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: stjimmyskater on December 21, 2010, 12:10:20 AM
You can't connect to my server right now because Albert turned it off. It's back up now. I'm not home to set this thing up for real, I'm just getting my feet wet. Try to connect with the MU method now, Dima.

I'll try the MU thing but I am wary of random things off MU

x2 times out still works for me??? Even on a different network it still worked. I'll try uploading my files somewhere and see if you guys can use that.

Really odd. I guess I'll wait for Spy or open a port on my router and try with my own.

Like I said, I'm upping my .Minecraft folder if anyone is willing to give that a shot. Just backup your old one.

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: stjimmyskater on December 21, 2010, 12:33:35 AM (

For anyone who wants to try, put your saves in the new .minecraft folder, then replace the old one.l

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: stjimmyskater on December 21, 2010, 10:28:53 AM
Triple post

This guide is confirmed working. He left a step out of the readme for the MU one.

EDIT: Before doing this, you MUST update your Minecraft to the latest 1.0.2 beta. Also, the update might fix the connection issues so that you don't have to do this.

1. download the files
here - (
or here - (
Find your minecraft main directory
Click "Run" or "Search" and search for "%appdata%" then click 'roaming' then '.minecraft'
In the '.minecraft' directory, open the bin folder, and 'cut' the file named 'version'
Extract the rar file which should now be downloaded, and paste the 'version' file you have just cut into the bin folder
which i have provided in the download, overrwriting the one already in there
Delete the bin folder in your 'roaming/.minecraft' directory and paste in the one i have provided in the download, which should now have your own 'version' file in it.
6. Use the executable provided to play

The above links are the same one as the previous post with the MU link, which I'll just go ahead and delete.

Title: Re: Minecraft Server
Post by: kevipapo1 on December 21, 2010, 12:22:11 PM
Zacaj Minecraft should be hosted on a Zacaj server. Ill get to work unless Im too lazy :P