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General Discussion / General Discussion / Re: 1984 Report
on: July 26, 2011, 05:59:18 PM
Never read the book, but I dig the report. I completely agree with the first point, especially the way you put it: "[m]ore and more I see this premonition that privacy isn't necessary and that if you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to hide." Plenty of people have done nothing wrong, but they let their opinions float around freely on the internet, as if they don't understand what privacy is. Even I do it. I post things that will possibly haunt me in the future. It's nothing major, like a death threat or how I hate someone, but it's opinions about things that people may take the wrong way, posts that people can use to judge me.
As for the rest, can't say I fully agree, but it's well written. Good job!