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Author Topic: Ollie  (Read 3337 times)
The money maker
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« on: February 08, 2011, 10:06:12 PM »

So I'm guessing you guys know that i'm working on a game, Ollie. I've been doing it for about a year, on and off. My earliest source code dates to february 2010 xD. My models are still shit, but my coding skills are getting better thanks to class. I use the game to study my programming, so I literally do the game as homework. Anyway, I'm developing levels right now. I'm working on drawing them all together into one warp room, and then I'll release a beta. I've got some animations, some sounds, some music, some levels.

Tonight i started on a feature that lets you change Ollie's clothing in-game. I pretty much just add whatever the fuck I want between long spans of time spent developing levels. Making levels kicks ass. It's just time consuming.

So, what's implemented?
-light that reflects the time of day (if you play at night, you'll have to use ollie's flashlight to see in dark places(flashlight works))
-moving clouds, spawning weather systems
-some main character animation
-not at all realistic jumping
-some postprocessing effects (motion blur, bloom, ect.)
-Somewhere between 7-10 levels in progress. One or two completed.
-Changing ollie's clothes (in progress)
-Level music (in progress, new tracks are being made every week, since all the music i make sucks ass)
-Breakable crates
-Ability to collect nuts, which is like the game's score, kind of
-buggy respawning
-third person camera (that is, a camera that doesn't suck ass) (completely works)
-gears of war style running camera

What's coming?
-better/more animations
-cinematics, perhaps some spoken dialog by yours truly?
-finish the levels
-finish the music
-menu system
-finish the warp room
-more character models
-plot xD
-weapons/attacks (karate style kicks, punches, wall jumps. ak47, machine pistol, sword.)

So that said, besides some more advanced, less code-intensive stuff, this is almost a fairly complete beta.

Here's hoping that the intro spooks y'all.

The thread assassin cometh. If I post in a thread, there's a 50% chance it'll die.
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« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 10:29:29 PM »

I was wondering what happened to this project.
It seems to have improved a lot from the last time I played, and I'm super excited to see where this goes.

Check yo dick for the HIV
I'm Owl City!
And i'm totally, 100% hetrosexual!

The money maker
Hero Member

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You never. Tell. Hoes. The truth.

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« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 12:05:30 PM »

I was wondering what happened to this project.
It seems to have improved a lot from the last time I played, and I'm super excited to see where this goes.

I've pretty much been hammering out a level or a new class every so often for the past year. I've kept the source code and everything else. Another cool thing is that I've made every level, every texture, every model, and 95% of the code myself.

The thread assassin cometh. If I post in a thread, there's a 50% chance it'll die.
The money maker
Hero Member

Karma: 1
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You never. Tell. Hoes. The truth.

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« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2011, 09:03:38 PM »

Sup y'all. Got some pictchas.

Some captioning:

The first is the main menu so far. That button actually works.
The second is me changing Ollie's clothes.
The third is one of the levels at night. Those white things are crates.
The fourth is a broken crate. Note the floating crate. Gotta fix that.

They're dark because it's nighttime, duh xD

The thread assassin cometh. If I post in a thread, there's a 50% chance it'll die.
The money maker
Hero Member

Karma: 1
Posts: 103

You never. Tell. Hoes. The truth.

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« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2011, 09:04:21 PM »

The last two

The thread assassin cometh. If I post in a thread, there's a 50% chance it'll die.
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